Cesena, dal Galà dei club Service oltre 19mila euro per l’Irst
Un altro appuntamento con la solidarietà che ha centrato il suo obiettivo. Non è Natale senza Galà dei Club Service di Cesena. E anche quest’anno l’ormai tradizionale evento, ha regalato un momento di grande valore, passione, calore [...]
L’impegno verso un futuro sostenibile
L'attuale scenario globale ci pone di fronte a sfide senza precedenti legate ai cambiamenti climatici e alla necessità di transizione verso fonti energetiche più sostenibili. Sempre più aziende stanno adottando un approccio responsabile verso l'ambiente, [...]
PMI Day 2023
Venerdì 1 dicembre si è svolto l'incontro con gli studenti dell'istituto Saffi Alberti di Forlì, Classi 4B - 4E, indirizzo Moda.
Repower premia CAMAC azienda virtuosa per sostenibilità energetica
CAMAC ha aderito al progetto VERDE DENTRO, ed utilizza energia verde certificata proveniente dall'Impianto Idrico di Grosio (SO).
Nuovo look per il sito ufficiale Nupkeet1946
Un sito web tutto nuovo per Nupkeet1946, il brand moda bambino prodotto e distribuito da Camac. Una navigazione fluida ed intuitiva, ottimizzata per qualsiasi device, in grado di valorizzare le caratteristiche uniche delle collezioni Nupkeet1946. [...]
Visita del Governatore della Regione Emilia Romagna
Il governatore della regione Stefano Bonaccini accompagnato dalla consigliera regionale Lia Montalti e dall’assessora comunale Francesca Lucchi visita lo stabilimento Camac, uno dei fiori all’occhiello del panorama imprenditoriale locale e punto di riferimento a livello [...]
CAMAC e Telefono Azzurro
CAMAC ha sostenuto integralmente le spese di realizzazione di questo libro di favole, dell'Arch. Savelli, che sarà donato ai bambini del telefono azzurro. Nella foto la consegna del libro al Sindaco di Cesena, Marcello Lucchi. Quì l'articolo [...]
Industry | Distribution | Services
CAMAC Ltd. was founded in 1980 in Cesena and has grown in the framework of fashion since then. In 1986 the company hived off the Distribution Business Unit and added the name “Industria Moda” and committed to stay focus on the high end area of the market. Since then the group has grown constantly, and has developed a constellation of independent and synergic assets. CAMAC employs about 200 people in several locations, and approximately 500 are involved with subsidiaries and partners.
CAMAC is a well recognised name in fashion. It’s business has probably no comparison either in Italy or abroad. It is a solid and successful company, entirely dedicated to partner and develop brands and collections in the trendy high-end area of the fashion market.
This ever-changing market has required the company to develop, in more than 30 years, a unique work efficiency, specialization, and a vertical focus in the supply chain:
CAMAC Industria Moda
As the name suggests, CAMAC Industria Moda includes all the industrial operations and many services related to fashion. The Fashion Area can counts on three divisions, each one has a focus on specific products and services:
Industrial Activities, are downstream activities and cover: yarns, textiles , logistics , research and development of technical and semi-finished products. The Operation Manager are in charge for these activities.
The Design and Manufactoring division includes all the activities and tasks from the design to the finished garment. CAMAC Product Managers can turn a complex and potentially costly set of tasks into an unique flow .
CAMAC Industria Moda > divisions
From the yarn to the fabric, an integrated and efficient industrial process.
The Operation Managers are responsible for the industrial production, including logistic, quality and costs of yarns, fabrics, prints and other.
They work alongside the Product Manager ensuring precision and accuracy on the industrial operations, improving the quality of the final product, the effectiveness of the service and the reliability of the entire process.
As a result of this integration our customers have access to an exclusive portfolio of fabrics, techniques and variants, including customs, Made in and Bio.
Many tasks, one single flow. Simple and quality driven.
Our Product Managers are highly specialized professionals with a deep knowledge of research and design , cutting , models , variants , fit , prints, embroidery, sewing and applications, so they can manage a complex set of tasks and turn it into a single, seamless and effective product development flow.
CAMAC has areas dedicated to each brand style and design and and logistics in order to garantee the highest confidentiality of the fashion collections.
The advantage of being direct producers:
7000+ cubic meters of fabrics warehouse: custom, exclusive, and Bio® Made In Italy®
Innovation and respect for the environment
From yarns to collections, one easy flow
Production under Contract
Product managers are responsible for each stage of the product development. They are highly specialized professionals with a deep knowledge in research and design, cutting, patterns, fits, selections, prints, embroidery, techniques and applications.
The “production under contract” covers both industrial operations and services. We partner from medium- to big-sized fashion companies, providing efficiency and the highest standard of quality even if the product is very complicated to manufacture.
CAMAC manages and participates in different brands and projects, most of them since the first collection. With time we’ve learned how to launch and grow fashion brands. 90% of our projects reaches its market goal within two years.
Brands in partnership may benefit from professional figures in order to improve their brands, as well as an efficient and internationally-recognized distribution network and specialized services.
Via Alzaia Naviglio Grande 36-38, 20144 Milano (Mi)
Tel. +39 02 89410030 Fax +39 02 89425805
Rue des minimes 16, 75003 Paris
Mobile (+39) 335 1218859
Via Leon Battista Alberti 6, 20149 Milano (Mi)
Tel. +39 02 33606078 Fax +39 02 33617041
Thanks for you visit! For any additional information please contact us.
CAMAC Industria Moda
Headquarter | Administration | Operation
Via Zavaglia 461,
Pievesestina Cesena (FC) , CAP 47522, Italy
Tel. +39 0547 418211
Fax. +39 0547 318430
For any question, please use this contact form. You’ll be directed to the right person and you’ll be contacted as soon as possible.